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Clean Energy Decisions at the PSC

How the Commission Shapes Our Energy Future

Rate Cases


To change customer rates, regulated utilities are required to undergo a formal process, referred to as a rate case, where utility regulators determine if the proposed rate adjustments are just and reasonable. This process requires utilities to justify rates based on the total cost of serving customers. Utilities are able to file for a rate increase once every twelve months from the date of the filing of a rate schedule. 


For more information, visit the Office of Regulatory Staff website.



Integrated Resource Plans

Integrated resource plans (IRPs) are electricity providers’ plans for meeting projected customer demand for a minimum of 15 years. Utilities must meet this demand in an economical and reliable way while maintaining flexibility and considering environmental consequences. Electric utilities must file a new IRP at least every three years, and must provide updates to the plan annually. 


For more information, visit the SC Energy Office website.



Avoided Cost Valuations


“Avoided cost” refers to the cost of energy or capacity that the utility would have had to pay if it built a plant to generate that energy. This is the price that utilities must pay to clean energy producers, like solar companies. Making sure this valuation is fair encourages clean energy growth. If solar developers can provide solar energy to fill some of our state’s needed energy generation and capacity, then we can add solar to the grid and avoid building utility mega-projects like VC Summer, which cost customers money and put our state’s environment and future at risk.


For more information, visit the Office of Regulatory Staff website.



Net Energy Metering

“Net metering” refers to the system that credits rooftop solar owners for the electricity they add to the grid. Learn more about how net metering works in South Carolina and the programs available to residential, commercial, and industrial customers from the SC Energy Office.


More Information​


For more information about the PSC’s role and how it serves customers, visit the SC Utility Consumer Advocate website. The Utility Consumer Advocate is a program of the SC Public Service Commission designed to empower and inform utility customers.

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